Monday, July 13, 2009

Does your Love have Patience?

What does the Bible say?
Read 1 Corinthians 13

Patient/long-suffering/suffereth long. This means to be passive and enduring and not retaliating or overly emotional, and that we are to be tempered in our dealings so we do not escalate one wrong for another wrong or allow our emotions to spiral out of control. Because real love has patience, it never gives up. This is our readiness to allow or bear with the flaws and faults of others, even accepting difficult situations so we can grow and even prosper through them. This kind of love helps us show tolerance and fortitude to loved ones who have wronged us and even to people whom we normally would not put up with without making demands or conditions. It is also waiting without bullying our will or control because we do not like what is going on or what may happen. This is not about allowing abuse or harm to occur by our action or inaction; rather, this is about having peace and direction from God so we can build positive, effectual relationships that last longer in our dealings and connections with others. This is about allowing God the room and time to work through us to others around us. The love that patience brings allows us to endure less than desirable situations so we can better be more useful and even optimistic and prudent. Hence, its other name is longsuffering. It allows us to put up with others who get on our nerves without losing other characteristics of love, fruit, and grace. When we do not have patience, we will become intolerant, be filled with worry, fear, and distrust people—the opposites of God’s call. We will not see our Lord at work, be a part of Hs work, or see what He wants us to see, that all things will work for His good in the end. When we grasp our trust in Christ, then the temporary things of life—those bothers and distractions—do not derail us from our purpose and call (Hos. 2:19-23; Psalm 33:20; Prov. 14:29; Matt. 27:14; Rom. 2:4; 5:3; 8:28; 12:12; Gal. 5:1; Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 1:11; 3:12-14; 1 Thess. 5:12-15; 1 Tim. 1:16; James 1:3-4,12; 3:17; 5:10-11 2 Pet. 3: 14-18).

The challenge of this love is that life is complicated and difficult and people will always disappoint us. Also, we will always be disappointing to those around us, but God’s enduring love will never disappoint us because God does not retaliate back to us when we deserve it. Therefore, when we endure by and with love, we can be restrained and not retaliate when life and people are difficult. Keep in mind that Jesus gives as much time and patience as possible, because He wants us to live a life that bears His fruit. When we do, our lives will be marked with endurance and patience. The key to this is our indebtedness and thankfulness for who He is and what He has done: Christ’s love for me (Gen. 12:1-4; 17:2; 18:10; 22:1-22:12; Rom. 4:13-17; Col. 1:11; 3:12; Heb. 6:13-20; James 5:7-11).

The characteristic that Love is Patient, is what will greatly help us to be tolerant, good, understanding, and forgiving to others in our families and in our church. This love will be the fruit that helps us encourage, build one another up, restore relationships, build His Church, reach out to the community, and seek the best in all we do. It is God using us to be excellence in action! This love is what builds a great church and a good culture and its absence causes those same societies to collapse in corruption or apathy!

1. God is the source of love. So, how can this help you with the proper building of relationships?

2. Where do you fail at understanding and practicing love?

3. Do you understand God, and who we are in Him? Why is this important?


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Jackie said...

Hello I'm new to this site. Dr. Richard Krescir your teaching of Revelation 19 11-12 you write about the horse, and that the horse has a name of Faithful and True,and you say later that this horse is no ordinary horse because it has eyes bright like flames. My Bible reads this. 19:11 And I saw heaven opened,and behold a white horse;and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True,and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire,and on his head were many crowns;and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.No harm ment-did i miss something? Isnt the bible talking about Jesus not his horse? Thank You. JB

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Wrong blog please lol- go to,
be blessed...


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