Monday, March 30, 2009

Do you know what Easter is all about?

Thoughts and questions for your consideration this Easter season!

Do you realize what Jesus did for you?

A Listing of the Many Sufferings of Our Lord, Borne On Your Behalf!

Jesus was rejected on your behalf!
By His country and culture (John 1:11)
By His hometown (Luke 4:28-29)
By His friends (Mark 3:21)
By His own family (John 7:5)
By the religious Leaders (John 7:1; 9:22)

Jesus was tempted by Satan on your behalf! (Luke 4: 1- 28)

Jesus was ridiculed on your behalf!
Because of His hometown (John 1:46; 7:52)
Because of His background (John 8:41; 9: 24 - 29)
By the Roman soldiers (Luke 23: 36 - 37; Mark 15:16 - 20)
By the crowd (Luke.23: 35)
By the chief priests (Mark 15: 31)
By the two thieves (Mark 15: 32; Matt. 27: 44)

Jesus was threatened on your behalf!
By Herod (Matt. 2: 16)
By his hometown (Luke 4: 29)
Because of His claims (John 8:58 - 59; 10: 30 - 33)
Because He healed on the Sabbath (John 5: 16; Luke 6: 10)
Because of His teachings (John 8: 40; Luke 11: 53 - 54; Mark 12,12; Matt. 26: 1 - 4)
Because of His miracles (John 11: 53; 12: 10)
By the Devil (Matt: 26:37- 38; Mark 14: 33--34; Luke 22: 44)

Jesus was homeless on your behalf! (Matthew 8:20)

Jesus was betrayed on your behalf! (John 13:21; 22: 47--53)

Jesus was denied on your behalf! (Matthew 26:58, 69-75; Mark 14: 54; 66-72; Luke 22: 54 - 62; John 18,15 -18; 25-27)

Jesus was misunderstood on your behalf! (Matthew 15: 16; 16: 6--11; Mark 6: 52; John 10: 6; 12:16)

Jesus was abandoned on your behalf! (Luke 22: 54 -62)

Jesus was misquoted on your behalf! (Matthew 26: 61)

Jesus was indicted on false charges on your behalf! (Luke 23:1 - 2)

Jesus was Illegally tried seven times on your behalf!!
Before Annas (John 18:12-14,19-24).
Before Caiaphas (Matt. 26: 57-58; Mark 14: 53 - 65)
Before the Sanhedrin (Matt. 27: 1-2; Mark 15:1; Luke 22: 66-23:1)
Before Pilate (John 18: 28-38; Matt. 27: 1-26; Mark 15 1-5; Luke 23 1-6)
Before Herod (Luke 23: 7-12)
Before Pilate again (John 18: 39--19:16; Matt. 27:15-26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:13-25)
Before the Roman soldiers (Matt. 27: 27-31; Mark 15: 16–20)

Jesus was tortured, and died on your behalf!
Slapped (John 18:22)
Blindfolded (Luke 22:64)
Spit upon (Matt. 26:67)
Beaten (Matt. 26:67)
Scourged (Matt. 27:26)
Beaten on His head (Matt. 27:30)
Pierced with thorns (Matt. 27:29)
Crucified (Matt. 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19)

Jesus is risen to redeem you! (Matthew 28:10; Mark 16:1-13; Luke 24: 1–12; John 20:24-29)

How does Jesus affect and effect you?

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At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Jack said...

The messages at are inspiring. You may want to take a look.


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