Saturday, November 17, 2007

Your church can be healthy. The question is, what are you willing to do about it?

When it comes down to it, our actions will tell volumes more than anything we can ever say, or anything we could ever know. It comes down to discipleship, if we are being discipled in the Word, then we will be modeling his character. How we are receiving our Lord, how we are, who we are in Christ, is how we are to ourselves, to each other and back to our God. What resides in us will either build the church or tear it apart in strife and conflict. Our agendas will be the vision and direction, weather it is Scripture based or self based, the vision will be the architect design to the church we build. The church the community sees and reacts to is what we make of it. Christ gives us the plans and the call, so do we do it in Him or to ourselves?

The apostle Paul knew what it was like to be strong in religious convection and weak, as in 1 Corinthians 2:3. Being a person guided by our Lord, allowing Him to be our strength and our will to become weak, then He will prevail, we will prevail. We must institute the true characteristic of leadership, forgiveness, conflict resolution, hospitality, renewal, responsibility, outreach, worship and prayer. Putting our best forward to give the Lord glory to build up our selves in Him, to build up His church, which again builds us up. We must be intercessors praying continually for people, our church, and how we can grow and be better.

We need to be imitators of His character, surrendered and poured out so there is nothing of us that remains, all that we are is who we are in Christ. Then collectively we can be the church that Scripture calls us to be. A heart for our Lord will translate into a heart for His church, for His people, and even for ourselves. So our esteem is not self based but Christ based. So our church is Christ based and not self based!

We do not want churches just going through the motions, doing things out of a since of obligation. It must be Fruit of the Spirit and not work of our will. It must reflect a sole bought by Christ, overflowing with a response of gratitude. If not get out of the kitchen! Get help, get spiritual counseling and renewal. Do not be in leadership, do not engage in ministry. Because we cannot do the work of the Lord, unless we are the people of the Lord!

· If you are not bringing out the best in people, then get out of the Kitchen!

· If you are always critical, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not focused on Christ, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not practicing your God given gifts, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not in the process of growth and learning, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not in the Word, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not working as a team, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not supporting the pastor, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not learning from failure, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are open to change that is compromising His Word, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not including of others who are not like yourself, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not working under vision and direction from the Word, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not working in the perimeters of faith and Fruit, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not having fun, then get out of the kitchen!

· If you are not in prayer then get out of the kitchen!

The kitchen of leadership, and get into the hospital of His love and help!


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