Monday, October 15, 2007

Unified Field Theory Solved!

Look at Hebrews 1, Sustaining all things as in Jesus Christ upholds the universe.

Christ is the One who not only made the universe, He holds it all together. Many Jews at this time believed that angels had a role in creation. This is also a contrast to the Greek god Atlas, who held the world on his shoulders.

The Holy Grail in physics is the “unified field theory,” a formula that states how all disciplines of physics and physical law, all forces in nature from particles to galaxies and space time, are unified in a mathematical formula. Here is the answer in the Book of Ages, The Bible (Col. 1:15-17; Heb. 1:1-4; 12:26-28; 2 Pet. 3:4-7).

Got the Grumpy's?

Do you know people who are grumpy, stale, fruitless, and self-driven so all that comes from them is anger and bitterness? If they claim Christ as Lord, there is perhaps a “disconnect” between their faith, life, and hearing and the applying of God’s voice. Because God speaks to us, we have a responsibility to hear His Voice through His Word and apply what He says. His Son, Jesus, is our Lord and our example; His supremacy should remain in us as it does throughout time and the eternity of space. No matter whom you are or what you go through, Jesus Christ is Lord and is speaking to you!

Because our LORD is the surpassing greatness of all that ever is or will be, I feel……? I will……? This will do what for me?

Who is Jesus to you?

How does this hold up to who He is in reality as revealed in the Scriptures?

How is Jesus more than just a name or a set of attributes?

Is Jesus the central figure in your life as He is the central figure in the entire universe?

Read Hebrews 1:1-4

Look at some of the attributes of Christ in this passage. He is supreme to all, created all things, is incarnate, He made you, and He is the radiance of God's glory who sustains all things. Now, look what He has done for you: gave you redemption and purification from sin. What have you done with these things? Jesus must echo throughout our nature and being, so we are full of Him and not full of our selves or the ways of the world. This will greatly impact our lives, our church, and our temperament. The more we learn of Christ, the more we can listen to Him and the more we can grow in Him. But, it takes the surrender of our being to His Ultimate Being; we must hear him so His presence is practiced and applied to our daily journey in life. This is what grows our faith, takes us through the stress and torments of life, and encourages and inspires others around us. The problem comes when we tend to only have ears for our circumstances, experiences, desires, and plans, intentionally or unintentionally muting His voice and seeking to compromise our Lord’s sovereignty over our personal lives. Remember; what He has for us is far greater and effectual than what we may have or have seen (Ezek. 1:28; 2:1; Phil. 3:1-14).

What gets in the way of this being felt and applied in your life?

Join us for a journey through the Book of Hebrews

Our Bible Study will be starting up this October 8….

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Join us for a journey through the Book of Hebrews!