December 2006 Krejcir Family Missions Letter

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Col 1:17
December 2006 Krejcir Family Missions Letter
A Christmas Devotional Thought,
The King has Come! December is when we celebrate “Advent,” which simply means coming as in Christ is coming, and for us now He has arrived. This is referring to His birth in history and in humanity. It meant the welcoming or the arrival of a special king and for us; it is our King of kings. This is what the Old Testament prophecies foretold concerning Jesus’ Incarnation, the Word made flesh for our hope and Atonement that brought us our deliverance. Advent represents our expectation, anticipation, and preparation for who Christ is and what He has done for us. He arrived into the world as a human being, being fully God and fully man. He came to identify as one of us, as the Son of Man, as a baby born in a manger. He came for us, He came for you and He comes into our lives and into our hearts.
He is coming again in great power and glory to bring His Kingdom into fruition.
His birth was for His death; His death was for our birth!
(Isaiah 7:14; 11:2; John 1:29; 3:1-8; Rom. 15:12-13)
“Make sure you are bringing the Lordship of Christ into your Church and Life this Christmas Season!”
May the magnitude of what happened on that first Christmas impact you personally more and more this holiday season and through the coming year. This is the greatest gift any of us can receive! Let’s share it with others, too!
Into Thy Word News
Bad news, One of our pastor trainers in Pakistan, Dr. Mehaboob and his family were murdered in November! It was with great sadness and grief that we reported this tragedy, it tore our hearts. This is a reminder that Christianity costs, something those of us in comfortable lives living in safe places may not always realize. Please continue to pray for hope, endurance, wisdom, for the Lord to show us the sense of this and relief that the other pastors can be safe and serve our Lord in these persecuting countries. Please also pray for the resources and opportunities for our pastor trainers to continue on for our Lord's glory. Please continue to pray for our pastors that we work with in India and Pakistan. For more information: (warning this site has graphic pictures)
Good news, Into Thy Word Ministries is pleased to announce our new association with the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development. We will be conducting joint projects and launching a new website with the URL of (not up yet) For the purpose of combining resources and endeavors for Thinking and Providing Biblical and Grace Centered Theological Resources for the Church. Lord willing, we should have further details after the first of the year. ITW also has joined the “Gospelcom” ministry alliance at
Krejcir Family Update
Richard – is busy doing daddy day care in the mornings while mommy works, then he is hard at work researching, updating and writing for a big project on “Exegetical Bible Study Methods” that is being used in seminaries and pastor training centers all over the world. This is an incredible humble opportunity to help equip pastors to extract vital life changing information from God’s Word, so they can teach it to others. Richard also has been busy teaching in the adult Sunday school classes in his church as well as a Bible study and preaching in some local churches.
Mary – is back to work as a legal secretary although desires to be home full time, praying for the resources to make this so. She is working early in the mornings at a law firm in Glendale and does mommy day care in the afternoons and evenings while daddy goes to work at the USCWM and Into Thy Word and his various teaching engagements. She is enjoying our beloved son and this precious season of life!
Ryan – is acting like a baby! He is seven months old with over 9 teeth and more coming in. He enjoys his solid foods, laughing at the cat, jumping in his jumper, learning to crawl, napping, gooing and being ever so precious!
Prayer Requests
· Wise use of our time and resources - that we would walk in the Light of the Lord!
· The Lord to minister through us as we develop curriculums for biblical church leadership and help us come in contact with the right opportunities and associations!
· Good health for us, as well as wisdom, resources so we can better partake in the opportunities God has for us!
· Insights and resources as we parent our little precious Ryan!
· Provision of all our financial, ministry and family needs!
“Wonder suppressing all wonders; the Word by whom all things were made, was Himself made flesh, and dwelt among us!” (Spurgeon)
From our home to yours, the Krejcir Family serving with Into Thy Word Ministries to glorify our LORD Jesus Christ!
Richard, Mary & Ryan Krejcir
Pasadena, Ca USA
Into Thy Word Ministries is about Equipping Pastors how to better understand the Bible, this is crucial to building a healthy Church for Christ's Glory. Many pastors are inadequately equipped or have lost their focus. ITW seeks to encourage and equip pastors around the world. And you can partner with us too!
Thank-you for your Prayers and Support!
Contributions: Make checks payable to Into Thy Word, 129 S. Lotus Ave, Pasadena, Ca 91107.
Enclose a note that the donation is “for the Krejcirs.”
You can also donate online too at
If you would like to revive a MS Word version of this let us know. Also do not forget our site for you discipleship tools including our Bible reading plans!
Into Thy Word (The Ministry we work for)
Bible Study Notes (Richard's Bible Studies)
Discipleship Tools (Richard's Books are here)
Monergism (Richard's articles are posted here)
jcfaith (Pictures and bolgs of our ministry and family) (who has time to blog?)